My Microsoft OpenHack Containers Experience

I had the opportunity to participate on a Microsoft OpenHack on Containers.

  • Category: Training
  • Date: 31 May 2022

A 3 day technical deep dive into Docker Containers and Azure Kubenetes Services (AKS), where by we were challenged to solve real work problems by modernising apps. Definitely recommended for anyone wanting to learn and gain practical experience across any of the topics provided below!

Microsoft OpenHack:

Microsoft Partner Community (Click region and locate Events!):

  • AI-Powered Knowledge Mining
  • App Modernization with NoSQL
  • Containers
  • DevOps
  • Migrating Microsoft workloads to Azure
  • Serverless
  • Modern Data Warehousing
  • Security, Compliance and Indentity
Manage your GitHub Organisation with Terraform Cloud

Manage your GitHub Organisation with Terraform Cloud

I'll show you how to manage your github organisation with Terraform Cloud, scenarios on how to structure your repositories, using templates to standardise deployments and controls and guardrails to protect you from issues.